Radical Hospitality

“Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcome you, for the glory of God.” (Romans 15:7, NRSV).

You are invited to join our church family and to grow in Christ as we seek ways to fulfill our Mission – Develop Followers of Jesus Christ.  At Clinton First United Methodist Church, (CFUMC), everyone is encouraged to participate in ministry and to find their passion in service. So whether you’ve been a member for decades, for a few years, or are totally new, strive to become radical and invite others to do so with you.

“Hospitality is a quality of spiritual initiative, the practice of an active and genuine love, a graciousness unaffected by self-interest, an opening of ourselves and our faith community to receive others. When the spirit of Christ’s hospitality pervades a congregation, then every choir, youth ministry, adult Sunday school class, mission team, Bible study, and outreach ministry regularly asks itself, “how are we doing at inviting others and supporting newcomers into our part of the church family? And how can we improve?””
Quote from Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations by Missouri Bishop Robert Schnase.

Upcoming Events

all-day Graduate photos due
Graduate photos due
May 4 all-day
Graduate photos due
Hello! It’s hard to believe graduation is right around the corner and so is changing the bulletin board. If you or anyone you know will be graduating preschool, kindergarten, high school or college please send[...]
